Tag Archives: immigration

{} vs. []

24 Mar

Following the vein of my post yesterday regarding coding vs. real-life, no matter how much I want to bang my beginner’s head against the wall to rearrange my neurons so that curly brackets vs. square brackets signify a world of meaning, coding is still so much simpler than real life.

I want to bury myself in methods, blocks, tags and hashes – a rather fancy way of saying I want to bury my head in the sand. In Ruby, you put a period (.) and a method next to an object and the object obeys!


I mean, there are so many lines to be written down before the above, but there you have it! It’s so simple! Is it any wonder that I don’t want to figure out tax forms in 2 countries; immigration details; how to draft a joint venture agreement; talk to my sister about how to pay for our condo, etc. etc.

By now, it’s probably clear that:

  • a) I am in immigration limbo/purgatory (I could write a whole book about my immigration odyssey);
  • b) my husband and I are entrepreneurial enough to build a company without a safety net; which
  • c) in turn makes finances a bit tight.


I should, I really should. I’m okay, it’s all copacetic.

A year ago today

16 Mar

…I was in Vancouver, BC – sad, afraid, anxious and uncertain about the future. I was just denied a visa to join my husband in the US and I felt so lost.

I don’t really know how to explain it, even today, I’m still a mass of nerves when I think about it. Don’t get me wrong, I was very happy with my husband but the fear of things not working out, of being adrift, of being separated was making me stir crazy. One thing I can say is that immigration limbo is like being in purgatory: you don’t really know whether you’re going to heaven or to hell.